Outline of Contractor’s HSE Plan
It is JROGS goal to satisfy our customer's needs and assist them in attaining their objectives. JROGS will accomplish this by being committed to maintaining an efficient and safe work environment for all personnel.
In our efforts to attain these goals, JROGS has adopted HSE polices, procedures and standard industry practices for use in our operations. JROGS has a JROGS Safety, Health & Environment protection policies & procedures Manual (briefly said as JROGS HSE Manual) and levels of HSE organizations to satisfy the requirement of health & safe operation and environment protection by our customers and the performance of petroleum industry.
JROGS supervisory personnel are accountable for following these policies, procedures and standard industry practices at all times.
If a situation should arise where an employee is asked or ordered to deviate from JROGS safe operating practices, procedures, and policies, or if the employee believes that such action will threaten the safety of manpower or equipment on site, the employee should immediately contact their supervisor for assistance in resolving the situation. Once notified, division operations personnel, corporate management personnel, and safety personnel will be responsible for the ultimate resolution of any unsafe situations that cannot be solved at work site.
JROGS realizes that compromising in areas related to safety, health and the environment will not only jeopardize the goals and objectives of our company, but those of our customers as well. Therefore, JROGS commits itself to assisting our employees and our customers in fulfilling the responsibilities we all share these areas.
The Project Manger is responsible for ensuring that JROGS has system in place to identify the legislative requirements for health and safety and for achieving compliance. The system must be able to identify, and respond to, any changes in those legislative standards and assign responsibility for achieving compliance.
The Line Managers (Tool Pushers) are responsible for ensuring that work is carried out to the health and safety standards in legislation as a minimum. The Line Managers are responsible for reviewing the legislation against the Company standards and other industry work practices.
 The Line Managers must ensure that the workforces are supplied with the necessary information regarding relevant health, safety and environment protection legislation, standards, industry codes and working practices. If there are;
proposals to review the standards and working practices
currently being implemented by JROGS, the Line Managers will ensure
that there is a system for review and implementing improvements
and changes as appropriate. |